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ギャラクシーアリーナスペースバトル Android版に関するレビュー
I've been playing for about two hours. The game stalls in progress and lacks replayability. Graphics and game mechanics are great. I'd recommend playing Event Horizon in the play store as it should help give some insight in ways to improve on the replayability. I figure recommending a game is better as you can compare yourself and make your own judgement.
Oii broder. Each damage type ballistics, energy and explosive require an extra limiting constraint in the form of a module. Ammo fabricator, ordnance fabricator and extra energy consumption per SHOT for energy weapons. If these limiting constraints are not added then player will just stack weapons and the point of designing ships will be deprecated. Also module variations seems to be very limited.
This could be a great game. Instead, it's so unstable that it's almost unplayable. Ads crash almost every time, so you don't get the loot. There's an energy system, and every time it crashes in battle you lose energy. If crashes after a battle you don't get the loot or xp. You can challenge a friend, but there isn't a way to send friend requests. You have to know the persons user ID, but you can't find this out unless you actually know them and they text it to you.
ギャラクシーアリーナスペースバトル Android版に関するレビュー