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Jetta Convoy Simulatorを実行してお楽しみください
Jetta Convoy Simulator Android版に関するレビュー
The game was okay, just need more details, add a blink light to right and left, the high graphic must have shadow, need interior to Volvo XC90 and S60, this game really need a detail just that, and also add more maps, add more cars, like Volvo V70, and the other car, also add weather and wiper, trust me, this game can get 4.5 star, i am helping, and the steering wheel must be slower little bit, add damage to car if we crashed, all cars need details, physic of the cars, just that.
Game is awesome I just wish there was a chracter to get out of the car or get in and also convert the blocky city into REALISTIC then also add muiltiplayer and more maps .Overall.....AWESOME!!!
Jetta Convoy Simulator Android版に関するレビュー