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つみきコロコロ Android版に関するレビュー
Horrible DO NOT DOWNLOAD it is a waste of space it barley works, the physics are bad (especially momentum) you can't get a good angle, it always glitches, absolutely NO VARIETY of parts to use, and in all its just bland and the music will drive you NUTS in the first 10 minutes
I hope your game gets deleted! This is the worst marble game I've played because: 1: Screen issue, cannot rotate screen 2: Items always fling and collapse when I get something off, like the curve track really messes people's tracks up if they do not add blocks under! 3: Ratings kind of screwed this up after I tried this. Fix this game or i will delete it off my phone!
No tutorial, gets boring, and a terrible game! I recommend NOT downloading this game, it is so bad! Plus the physics suck! 0/10!
つみきコロコロ Android版に関するレビュー