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Nuclear Power Reactor inc - inを実行してお楽しみください
Nuclear Power Reactor inc - in Android版に関するレビュー
This game is not only fun but it's educational as well. It's unique and is great at making the player take risks and make choices to beat the timer. For example, making the choice to spend money on the efficiency of the reactor and turbine or on safety and disaster precautions. Both are needed but you can only get one now and the other later. Great game and love the Developer, keep making awesome games!
Now idk if it's just me but level 10 is just about impossible I retired it many times over and over I tried buying the items in different orders and I can't seem to produce enough energy within the time frame and that's one thing but the fact that Freeplay isn't unlocked from the start is kinda frustrating because I'm not even able to just run and upgrade a power plant I have to replay the same level over and over until I get it, the game definitely needs improvement lots of improvement.
It is a fun game that gives you a slight taste of operating a reactor. More seasons would be cool. Different reactor designs would be cool as well. Increased variety of reactivity manipulations would be fun. Going prompt critical would be sweet. All in all I enjoyed it. The English is a little broken, but doesn't prevent understanding or affect anything seriously. Level 10 proved challenging, but I got it eventually. Good job.
Nuclear Power Reactor inc - in APKのよくある質問
Nuclear Power Reactor inc - inは自分のデバイスにとって安全ですか?
Nuclear Power Reactor inc - inはGoogle Playコンテンツガイドラインに従い、Androidデバイスでの安全な使用を確保しています。
XAPKファイルとは何ですか?Nuclear Power Reactor inc - inをダウンロードしたファイルがXAPKファイルの場合はどうすればよいですか?
Nuclear Power Reactor inc - in Android版に関するレビュー