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Pole Star Android版に関するレビュー
it is soo boring and too many ads
it's a little slow on my phone honestly I like where the game is headed. however I feel like there is only perfection I agree with other comments how there should be 'Oops' or 'failed' to make the game harder and more entertaining. I wish I could create my own dancer who could travel around the world preforming earning money to get outfits and hair styles, ect...
So far I'm liking this game. Please continue to add clothing choices, I like that aspect. I'd also suggest being able to choose the Dancer's hair. I don't like the way that the dancer stops mid dance and the player has to move the dancer to collect objects. I feel that could be saved for the end of the dance.
Pole Star APKのよくある質問
Pole Starは自分のデバイスにとって安全ですか?
Pole StarはGoogle Playコンテンツガイドラインに従い、Androidデバイスでの安全な使用を確保しています。
Pole Star Android版に関するレビュー