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RAWAR2ストラテジーゲーム(RTS) Android版に関するレビュー
Great concept but the gameplay is very lacking. The controls need major changes to make them more engaging and easy to use. make the grid map easier to navigate. and the most important, make a tutorial to explain everything in detail cause right now if you never played an rts in your life you'll probably give up in 5 minutes. overall a good experience but needs some work. keep it up
about the update, first off learning the new system in the middle of a map that i was already losing and barely scraping up enough land to bolster my resources was crazy. I raged so hard. I like it, youve made leveling and clearing obstacles more relevant, enemies are more aggressive, towers need to be maintained to be effective and the bridges? Yes. Much better. Possible diplomacy feature in the future? Im excited to see what you have in store.
RAWAR2ストラテジーゲーム(RTS) Android版に関するレビュー