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Text Twist Android版に関するレビュー
No settings, controls are too close, moat six letter words are archaic or unused alternate spellings of non English words that are not in Webster's. Basically, you just mix letters until you come up with the word. Game ends when you don't find six letter word. Too bad the ad revenue designers can't come up with a fun game. How it gets a 3.8 rating is unclear. If I wanted text twist in Greek or ancient Latin, I would have looked for that specifically. No, these aren't words found in Scrabble or Scamble dictionaries. So, to the reviewer that called all the negative reviewers sheeple, you probably were the designer's mother. No, knowing archaic spellings of ancient unused languages doesn't make you smarter, just full of useless jargon.
Love the minimal design, there are no ads! Although there is a weird bug where if I pause, the round resets when I try to resume.
I've played this game for many years. It's a great game. It's challenging and enlightening at the same time. It helps your vocabulary and makes the time you spend playing this game worth.
Text Twist APKのよくある質問
Text Twistは自分のデバイスにとって安全ですか?
Text TwistはGoogle Playコンテンツガイドラインに従い、Androidデバイスでの安全な使用を確保しています。
Text Twist Android版に関するレビュー