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Timo - Adventure Puzzle Game -を実行してお楽しみください
Timo - Adventure Puzzle Game - Android版に関するレビュー
The beginning is way too easy for older players, but there are a couple of parts that were challenging for me, a puzzle veteran, because of the baffling logic involved. For example, rather than using a watering can to, you know, *water* something, you're supposed to slot it into a watering-can-shaped silhouette as some sort of a key??? What??? I don't think any child could be expected to get that right. Also the 2nd character is pointless and only useful for parts where a literal timer pops up.
After playing three levels the game glitched and I couldn't move. Reinstalling I lost all my save games so I had to start all over. But we're the cute and fun game so it wasn't but bugs need to be fixed.
A pretty fun game with a great artstyle and a fun story. Definitely for younger audiences and kinda short but for two bucks it's not bad, would recommend to parents. Ran into an issue where I couldn't move for some reason but a quick un/reinstall fixed it and saved my purchase
Timo - Adventure Puzzle Game - APKのよくある質問
Timo - Adventure Puzzle Game -は自分のデバイスにとって安全ですか?
Timo - Adventure Puzzle Game -はGoogle Playコンテンツガイドラインに従い、Androidデバイスでの安全な使用を確保しています。
XAPKファイルとは何ですか?Timo - Adventure Puzzle Game -をダウンロードしたファイルがXAPKファイルの場合はどうすればよいですか?
Timo - Adventure Puzzle Game - Android版に関するレビュー