Sahih Muslim Hadith Indonesian

Complete Sahih Al-Muslim Hadith in Indonesian with text customization features
Funsol Islamic Apps, Al-Quran & Hadith books

Sahih Muslim Hadith Indonesian APK 다운로드

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패키지 네임 com.sahihmuslim.indo
다운로드 수 5+

Sahih Muslim Hadith Indonesian 소개

Sahih Muslim Hadith Indonesian
Sahih Muslim (Arabic: صحيح مسلم, ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, full title Al-Musnadu Al-Sahihu bi Naklil Adli) is one of the Kutub al-Sittah (six major ahadith) of the hadith in Sunni Islam. It is the second most authentic hadith collection after Sahih al-Bukhari, and is highly acclaimed by Sunni Muslims. It was collected by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, also known as Imam Muslim. Sahih translates as authentic or correct.

Read Complete Sahih Al-Muslim Hadith Book Translated in Indonesian Language on your Android phones. With built in text customization features. User can send or share any Hadith or part of any Hadith in Indonesian to his / her friends through many social sites like Facebook and twitter.

This Islmaic Hadith Book for Muslims in Indonesian Language with simple but stylish layout. Useful features are built to provide the maximum ease of use of this App.

Key Features of This App Are:
> Complete Sahih Al Muslim Book Data used.
> Stylish but user friendly interface is designed.
> User can select any Hadith to open by few touches.
> Text size and color customization features are built.
> Can save the favorite Hadiths list by bookmark feature.
> Can send or share any part of text of any Hadith to your friends.
> User can adjust the size of text by pinch zoom (Finger Gesture).
> Can flip the pages by touch.
> Can clear the saved bookmarks or delete any one.
> Can display next or previous pages with buttons on the screen.
> Go To (Jump To, Start From) feature is added to navigate easily on any page of the opened Hadith.

The collector of the Sahih Muslim, Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj, was born into a Persian family in 204 AH (817/18 CE) in Nishapur (in modern-day Iran) and died in 261 AH (874/75 CE) in the city of his birth. He traveled widely to gather his collection of ahadith (plural of hadith), including to areas now in Iraq, the Arabian Peninsula, Syria and Egypt.

Out of 300,000 hadith which he evaluated, approximately 4,000 were extracted for inclusion into his collection based on stringent acceptance criteria. Each report in his collection was checked and the veracity of the chain of reporters was painstakingly established. Sunni Muslims consider it the second most authentic hadith collection, after Sahih al-Bukhari. Sahih Muslim is divided into 43 books, containing a total of 7190 narrations. However, it is important to realize that Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj never claimed to collect all authentic traditions as his goal was to collect only traditions that all Muslims should agree on about accuracy.

According to Munthiri, there are a total of 2,200 hadiths (without repetition) in Sahih Muslim. According to Muhammad Amin, there are 1,400 authentic hadiths that are reported in other books, mainly the six major hadith collections.

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