Tonik - Fast Loans & Deposits

A neobank in the Philippines with loans that you can get in just minutes!
Tonik Digital Bank

Tonik - Fast Loans & Deposits APK 다운로드

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Tonik - Fast Loans & Deposits 소개

Tonik is the Philippines' first neobank with a digital bank license offering savings deposits with sky high interest rates and quick online cash loans and shop installment loans for all of life’s necessities.

Innovative. Passionate. Customer-first. That's Tonik.

We're a 100% digital bank on a mission to revolutionize the way money works in Southeast Asia, offering only fast, easy, and secure transactions with a team of experienced bankers taking care of all your financial needs. We're a neobank that's there for you 24/7 with services that'll help you get ahead. Install the app today and avail any of our products below:


Your Tonik Account is your main account. It'll give you the satisfaction of also having 5 Stashes and 5 Time Deposit accounts within the Tonik App. You're going to love how you can move, organize, and personalize your cash. You will also have a virtual card and can request for a physical debit card to use in all your financial transactions.


Need an easy loan but got no credit history or collateral? Our Quick Loan has got you covered. You can get approved in just minutes and borrow PHP5000 up to PHP50,000 depending on your needs.

It's called quick for a reason, because you only need to submit 1 valid ID and 1 month's payslip. Plus, your payment dates are on your terms: choose whichever date is most convenient for you and get auto-debited on that date!

What else is awesome about getting a loan with a digital bank is that you can see all your details on the app and cash out the full amount in real time. We've also got no pre-termination or early payment fees! Yass!


• Fast approval and real-time disbursement to your Tonik Account
• No credit history and no collateral needed
• Minimal documents required - only 1 valid ID and proof of income
• Flexible payment date - your preferred salary payout date
• 6, 9, 12, 18, or 24 months installment
• 100% digital - all loan info can be seen on the Tonik App
• Cash out the full loan amount real-time
• One bank account for application and cash disbursement
• No pre-termination or early payment fees
• Top up your main account. Get auto-debited on your due date


• Loan amounts: ₱5,000 to ₱50,000
• Loan tenure: 6 to 24 months
• Service Fee: : ₱500
• Monthly EIR: Average 7% but depending on due date
• Maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR): 84%
• Late fee: ₱500
• Applicable Taxes (DST & GRT): None

Note: Quick Loan Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is at 84%. Linking your salary payroll card will lower said APR to 65%. Minimum loan installment term is 6 months and maximum is 24 months. The Monthly EIR is also based on diminishing principal because principal balance decreases as you pay your monthly installments on time. Example computation: If you apply for a ₱5,000 from Tonik app and opts for 180 days or 6 months installment, you would need to pay a monthly fee of only ₱ 1,048.98.


In-Store shopping has never been easier with Tonik’s Shop Installment Loan. Borrow up to ₱100,000 now and pay it back later for your next shopping spree at our partner stores. Buy Now Pay Later is more fun and helpful with Tonik In-Store shopping. Get a Shop Installment Loan today!


• Loan amounts: ₱5,000 to ₱100,000
• Loan tenure: 3 to 24 months
• Service Fee: : None
• Monthly EIR: Average 4.5% but depending on due date
• Maximum Annual Percentage Rate (APR): 54%
• Late fee: ₱500
• Applicable Taxes (DST & GRT): None


Any Filipino who is:

✔️ At least 18 years old
✔️ Has a residence in the Philippines
✔️ Has a valid email address
✔️ Has an active Philippine mobile number
✔️ Does not classify under the United States FATCA



Tonik Digital Bank, Inc. is regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas.

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네, 안드로이드 에뮬레이터인 LD플레이어를 컴퓨터에 설치한 후 미리 다운로드한 APK 파일을 실행 중인 LD플레이어로 끌어다 놓으면 PC에서의 Tonik - Fast Loans & Deposits 설치가 완료됩니다. 또는 LD플레이어를 열어서 구글플레이에서 게임이나 앱을 검색하고 설치할 수도 있습니다.