Árbol Fondo de Pantalla

Lonely, millennial, rare, colorful and precious trees wallpapers
FDP Apps

Árbol Fondo de Pantalla APK 다운로드

업데이트 날짜 2023-11-21
카테고리 엔터테인먼트
패키지 네임 com.newandromo.dev31544.app615448
다운로드 수 5+

Árbol Fondo de Pantalla 소개

Do you like trees? Do you like to know the different types that exist? Do you want to share cute tree images with your friends and family? We have everything you are looking for.

To begin with, what is a tree? It is a plant with a woody stem that branches off at a certain height from the ground. The term usually refers to those plants whose height exceeds a certain limit in maturity, different according to the sources: two meters, three meters, five meters or six meters. In addition, they produce new secondary branches each year, which start from a single stem or trunk, with clear apical dominance, giving rise to a new crown separated from the ground. Some authors establish a minimum diameter of 10 cm in the trunk (the length of the circumference would be about 30 cm). Woody plants that do not meet these characteristics because they have several trunks or because they are small are considered shrubs.
Trees are longer than other types of plants. Certain species of plants (such as redwoods) can exceed 100 m in height, and can live for thousands of years. Trees have been around for 370 million years. It is estimated that there are just over 3 billion mature trees in the world.

A study conducted by Yale University and later published in the journal Nature, estimates that there are about 3 billion trees on Earth, and their number has decreased by 46% since human civilization began, giving an average of 422 trees per person, but 15 billion copies are lost every year.

Trees are an important component of the natural landscape because they prevent erosion and provide a weather-protected ecosystem on and below their foliage. They also play an important role in producing oxygen and reducing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, as well as moderating temperatures in the ground. Also, they are elements in landscaping and agriculture, both for their attractive appearance and for their fruit production in fruit orchards. Wood from trees is a building material as well as a primary energy source in many developing countries. Trees also play an important role in many mythologies around the world.

In our APP you can find beautiful wallpapers of lonely, ancient, precious, colorful and rare trees. They are photos selected with love for all of you, we hope you like them and share them on social networks, with your friends and family. It is a nice gesture to share a nice image with a small text, they are sure to be very happy.

The application will be constantly updated so that you can enjoy new images.

Offline content, that is, you will have content without internet and without coverage.

This app uses public domain images, we try to make sure none of the images are copyrighted. We intend to be cool and comply with regulations, if you see an image that you don't like or think it shouldn't be here, let us know and we will delete it as soon as possible.

This application is free. Help us to continue creating free applications for you. If you want some type of image application that has not yet been created, you can request it and we will be happy to try to create this new application for you.

Thank you for your positive ratings.

Our thanks to all of you friends!

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