Dark Romance: Kingdom of Death

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Do Games Limited

Dark Romance: Kingdom of Death APK 다운로드

버전 번호 2.0.12
업데이트 날짜 2023-11-01
평가 4.2
카테고리 어드벤처
패키지 네임 com.dominigames.dr4
다운로드 수 5+
APK 다운로드
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Dark Romance: Kingdom of Death에 관한 리뷰 및 평가

started out well and had minor glitches toward the end and in the bonus. mainly map taking me to the wrong location and not showing tasks correctly. seemed to fit my screen during trial, but later HOP had items hidden at the far edges and I realized there was a good amount of screen cut off. it doesn't stick to greek myth completely, fyi if you're picky about that.
Nice long game, great puzzles the graphics are spectacular, you put a lot of fun in your games, but i noticed on this one there weren't as many as many things to interact with. When you would touch flowers and butterflies would fly out, unexpected thing s make a game seem like your own special surprise. That what i love about your games the unexpected. 1/1/20 Didn't finish the second time around, newer games out. 2/24/20 love this game
GREAT AGAIN!! (STOP THE REPEAT ASKING 4 a review!)Teleporting map, zoom·in that stays after clicking items, match 3 option in HOS, customizable difficulty setting, strategy guide, olives & artifacts hidden throughout and bonus game. ONLY probs I had was on one of the potion's I couldn't get the mix to go back in the snowflake glass. Instead the chalet just disappears behind the snowflake glass. Game lagged a little. BUT overall it was GREAT and with the $1.99 price, I HAD TO GIVE IT 5 stars!!!!

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PC에서 Dark Romance: Kingdom of Death(을)를 플레이할 수 있나요?

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네, 안드로이드 에뮬레이터인 LD플레이어를 컴퓨터에 설치한 후 미리 다운로드한 APK 파일을 실행 중인 LD플레이어로 끌어다 놓으면 PC에서의 Dark Romance: Kingdom of Death 설치가 완료됩니다. 또는 LD플레이어를 열어서 구글플레이에서 게임이나 앱을 검색하고 설치할 수도 있습니다.

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