IND vs NZ Live Cricket Score

Ind vs nz Live Cricket scorecard, icc champions trophy live scorecard
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IND vs NZ Live Cricket Score APK 다운로드

버전 번호 9.8
업데이트 날짜 1970-01-21
평가 4
카테고리 스포츠
패키지 네임 live.cricket202
다운로드 수 5+

IND vs NZ Live Cricket Score 소개

Indian vs new zealand live cricket score app gets your passion towards cricket. We ensure to keep you up-to-date on every move that happens in a match. From international Cricket to IPL, BPL, BBL, CPL, Cricket world cup, County Championship, Ranji Trophy, Sheffield shield, you will find any Cricket series here. You can personalise your cricket experience by favouriting your cricket team.

World-wide Coverage
We cover all the action from the world of cricket. Be it international or domestic, in all formats - T20, Tests and ODI.

Cricket Live scores with ball by ball commentary
Never miss a moment with our ball by ball commentary. Get detailed information about every ball delivered.

Quick Cricket Updates & Alerts
Get timely, accurate and fast alerts for every movement from an ongoing match or breaking news from your favourite cricket team around the world.

Personalised feed
The app is yours, follow your favourite cricket teams to get a tailormade experience of the app

IPL, World Cup & all key series
No matter what series you follow - we have got you covered! This is your one stop destination for all cricket leagues & series.

Cricket videos and news, with expert opinions
Put an extra buzz on your love for cricket by watching our cricket videos, daily cricket news and expert opinions

Indian cricket team Live Cricket Scorecard -

Main screen is for live Cricket scores and here you will see summery of the live match which shows teams score, overs.

If you want to check full scorecard for the live match then you can click on 'View Full Scorecard' button and you will now able to see the full Cricket Scorecard with all stats.

Get live Cricket score updates for team India, International Cricket matches, World Cup and IPL.

Playing 11 -

In this screen we update playing 11 for live match. You will know both teams announced eleven players name with captain and wicket-keeper. We also update the Toss result in this screen.

Pitch Report -

In this screen we update pitch report for upcoming or today's match with Cricket stadium records and head to head stats. In the pitch report section we provide pitch report according the previous records and then official live pitch report during the live game.

Matches Results -

We have records of all recent and history Cricket matches results updated in this screen. You will able to check each match highlights and scorecard for all bilateral series, World Cup and IPL.

Matches Schedule -

Know upcoming matches and all Cricket series full time table in this screen.

More -

This Cricket app has all the information covered for Cricket followers:

- Cricket teams squads.
- International Cricket players rankings in all formats Test, ODI, T20I (Batsmen, Bowlers, All-rounders rankings).
- International teams' rankings of all formats Test, ODI, T20I.

Live Cricket Scores, Commentary, News and everything else related to Cricket.

Superfast scores and commentary
Highly engaging and entertaining ball-by-ball commentary
Notifications for live matches and breaking news
Latest cricket news and editorials
Special content for major tournaments like ICC Cricket World Cup, T20 World Cup, Champions Trophy, IPL etc
Extensive coverage of all International cricket, IPL, BBL, CPL, Natwest T20 Blast and other major cricket tournaments across the world. Tons of domestic cricket coverage too.

Available teams
New zealand
South Africa
West Indies
Sri Lanka

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