City Bank Manager Cashier Game

Play role as bank manager & cashier in virtual cash register and bank simulator.
Gamester Action Club

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Версия 1.1
Обновлено 2023-11-18
Рейтинг 3.8
Жанр Симуляторы
Название пакета
Загружено 5+

Введение в City Bank Manager Cashier Game

You have been appointed as virtual city bank manager and bank cashier. Enjoy this cash register free game. Play role as the best city bank manager of virtual bank. Your job is to handle all banking tasks and including bank management as a real virtual city bank manager. Cash manager and bank tellers will report you. As a virtual bank manager, you will learn time banking games management and calculation in this banking game. Download the free game from google play store for android mobiles and tablets.

The job of virtual city bank cashier and cash register manager is not an easy task. In this virtual bank game, you have to take care of cash control and cash register. This is an opportunity for you to learn what it takes to play role of virtual city bank manager in this banker game. Handle rush of customers with time management gaming skills. Learn basic mathematic and counting in this cash register learning game. Be a smart bank cashier, and virtual cash register manager, make your clients feel happy every time they move into the bank. Take care of lockers and huge bank vault, make sure the security is on high alert whenever there is currency notes and cash coming into the bank. This virtual bank is located in a busy business street

This virtual city bank starts at 9 am in the morning. Customers and clients are rushing in virtual bank. It’s 9 am and the bank manager is here to serve customers and clear huge queue quickly, help customers in paying utility bills at cash counters, resolve check clearing issues with cash register manager. Open checking accounts and update client data. Help new customers to activate checking accounts, debit cards and credit cards. Serve virtual city bank customers with happy smiling face, don’t let them get frustrated or angry. Take special care of senior citizens. Prove yourself as best virtual city bank manager and financial banker handling tasks of virtual manager of this amazing banking game for you.

Enjoy this free educational banking game, as virtual city bank manager learn the skills of being bank cashier handling huge cash register in free banking games, you will learn the basics of all financial and cash management techniques. Virtual City Bank Manager Cash Register Game is a fun filled free educational games where you will learn fast paced time management and banking games skills.

Virtual City Bank Manager Cashier Game:
Gameplay & Features:

💰. Learn Banking Game Skills & Time Management Tasks.
💰. Enjoy Real-time banking experience.
💰. Various banker games for learning.
💰. Be the best Cash Manager & Cashier.
💰. Handle Bank Vault.
💰. Help Customers & Senior Citizens.
💰. Approve Utility Bills / Check / Checking Accounts.
💰. Help Cash Manager with Cash Machine.
💰. Process Cash at Teller Counters.

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Комментарии к Android версии City Bank Manager Cashier Game

Almost got done with all the levels. The last level, I walk out of bank manager job to go home, got In car, get there and then screen goes blank. I tried I few more times same thing. But other than that, the game was really fun.
The worst game in the world joy stick is fast no camera facility we have turn it worst 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡
The worst game ever in the whole earth please try garena free fire the best game ever and this is nothing in front of it bakvas game please see the joystick I played the first level and I have uninstalled it noob game ever

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XAPK — это формат расширения файла, который содержит отдельные файлы APK и другие файлы данных (например, дополнительные файлы ресурсов в более крупных играх). Цель файла XAPK — позволить файлам данных приложения храниться отдельно до его установки, что позволяет более эффективно управлять большими приложениями и передавать их. XAPK может помочь уменьшить размер первоначального установочного пакета приложения. Обычно на мобильных телефонах пользователям необходимо сначала установить приложение-установщик XAPK, а затем установить файл XAPK через приложение. Конкретные приложения можно найти по следующей ссылке: На компьютере просто перетащите файлы в эмулятор Android LDPlayer;

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Да, вы можете начать играть в City Bank Manager Cashier Game на своем компьютере, установив на свой компьютер LDPlayer, эмулятор Android, а затем перетащив загруженный APK-файл в работающий эмулятор. Вы также можете открыть эмулятор, найти игру или приложение, в которое хотите играть, и установить их.
