Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

Oddworld Inhabitants Inc

ดาวน์โหลด Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee APK

คะแนน 4
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ชื่อแพ็คเกจ com.oddworld.Munch
ดาวน์โหลด 100+

บทนำ Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee

Play as the Gabbit with odditude, Munch, and his side-kick, Abe, as they lead a revolution against the conniving, corporate clods of Oddworld. Munch has been captured, poked, probed and generally violated by the greedy corporate sickos, the Vickers, and now it's time for him and Abe to turn the tables. Power up with Vendo Machines, use psychic powers to possess enemies and machines, arm yourself with oddball Vendo weapons, and rally Oddworld's wacked-out inhabitants (via GameSpeak) to stick it to the Vickers and save the day. C'mon. The fate of Oddworld is in your hands.

** PLEASE NOTE: Broadcom and Amlogic devices NOT SUPPORTED! Older Rockchip may not support video playback. Requires at least a 1.2 GHz dual core CPU, 1 GB RAM with Adreno 220, Nvidia Tegra 3, ARM Mali 400-MP, PowerVR SGX 543MP, Intel HD Graphics or Vivante GC1000 GPU.

First time on Mobile!

Experience the classic game Munch’s Oddysee in high definition. Improved graphics and sound make for an even more thrilling ride! Play as the Munch the Gabbit as he hops and swims his way to bringing his species back from extinction.

Abe is back!

Using special powers, cool power-ups, and other special abilities to deliver payback to the Vykkers, Abe and Munch reclaim the last gabbit eggs on Oddworld, which have been packaged in a can of gabbiar. May Odd help you!


* Intuitive touch controls make playing & navigating a breeze
* HID controller support
* A hilarious script and compelling storyline with multiple endings
* Loads of depth, humour and charm
* Achievements & Cloud Save
* Includes everyone's favourite Gamespeak screen for both Abe & Munch!
* Optimized for NVIDIA SHIELD with 4x MSAA, Oddworld Munch's Oddysee is now featured in NVIDIA SHIELD Hub

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FAQ Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee APK

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ได้ คุณสามารถเริ่มเล่น Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee บน PCได้โดยติดตั้ง LDPlayer ซึ่งเป็นโปรแกรมจำลอง Android จากนั้นลากไฟล์ APK ที่ดาวน์โหลดมาลงในโปรแกรมจำลองที่กำลังรันอยู่ คุณยังสามารถเปิดโปรแกรมจำลอง ค้นหาและติดตั้งเกมหรือแอปที่คุณต้องการเล่นได้
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