
Our house is everything you want
LG유플러스(LG Uplus Corporation)

Tải U+스마트홈 APK

Phiên bản 03.08.08
Cập nhật vào 2023-10-04
Đánh giá 5
Thể loại Lối sống
Google Play ID com.lguplus.homeiot
Lượt tải 5+

Tổng quan U+스마트홈

U+ Smart Home allows you to know the status of your home and family anytime, anywhere, and can control things by smartphone, voice, or automatically, saving energy and time, protecting your home and family, and protecting your body and mind. This is a comfortable service.

*Additional improvements in this update*
- Improved loading speed
- Mamka: Improves the registration process easily and conveniently
- Released "U+Pettoy" responsible for pet's play/education/training.
- Up to 5 balls can be played
-Real-time/reservation function allows you to play ball at any time you want
- Barking improvement training by reproducing about 30 living noises when playing with a ball

*This is the content that has been improved by the UX reorganization (September 22nd) *
· Reorganization of overall app design and color
· Main screen card type UI introduction
: You can check the status of your home appliances at a glance and control them easily.
・Improve app speed
: Device control speed and screen switching speed have been increased.
· New U+ smart home usage tips menu
: In the Tips menu, you can find information on how to use smart home devices and frequently asked questions.
· Talkback function support
: If you activate the Talkback function, you can receive information on the app screen by voice.

* U+ Smart Home is available regardless of carrier.

* If you signed up for U+Smart Home at the customer center or U+shop, please log in with your mobile phone number or U+ID.

■ U+ smart home device/service

You can use it after signing up for the package at https://www.lguplus.com/ or at the customer center (101 without an area code).


- AI Remote Control Hub: Connects U + smart home devices as well as old appliances in the house so that they can be operated by voice or remotely


- Multi-Tap: Control 4 home appliances at the same time to double the convenience and electricity saving!

-Electricity meter: Save electricity by checking electricity rates, entering progressive stages, and comparing neighboring houses in real time!

- Plug: Blocks standby power that I don't care about, saving progressive tax and electricity bills!

-Switch: Even if you turn on the lights and leave the house for a long time, feel safe!


- Pet care: Exquisite pet life, U + smart home pet care

- Keeper of my house: A package that prevents theft from outside intrusion and even receives compensation

- Air sensor: A sensor that compares the air quality indoors and around our house in real time and informs the timing of ventilation.

- Momka: A comfortable camera with real-time communication

- Door sensor: A smart sensor that notifies of intrusion through windows and doors by simply attaching it

- Gas locker: Forgot gas valve, remote lock from outside without worrying!

- Motion detection sensor: A sensor that sounds a siren when it detects movement and notifies the smartphone

■ Information on access rights

[Required access rights]

#Phone – Used when using the login function using the mobile phone number and the customer center phone connection function.

[Optional access rights]

#Microphone – Used when using the conversation function of the Momka device and the voice transmission function of the entrance CCTV.

#Contact - Simple button Used to access the address book for emergency call contact registration and family addition.

#Bluetooth – Used when using the sleep light, sleep reminder device registration, sunil safe password input, and homenet automatic access pass function.

#Storage – Used when using Momka/Petka function (screen saving, 5-minute recording function, loading Petka profile picture, etc.), and saving CCTV photos of the entrance.

#Location – Execute according to my location, check the current location information when registering my home location, and use it to register/unregister some devices.

#Camera – Used to take a Petka profile image.

※ If you are using a version less than Android 6.0, you cannot allow individual selection rights, so it is recommended to update and use the device after checking whether it is possible to upgrade the operating system of the terminal to Android 6.0 or higher. To reset access rights after the update, please delete the installed app and reinstall the app.

*U+Smart Home App available operating system: Android 5 (Lollipop) or higher

* If you contact us for any inquiries / inconveniences related to the app service, we will do our best to solve it.
(Customer Center ☎ 101)

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Hiện tại tạm không hỗ trợ tải APK của U+스마트홈. Vui lòng tải trên Google Play.
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U+스마트홈 tạm thời không hỗ trợ tải trên Google Play. Vui lòng tải trực tiếp APK trên trang hiện tại.

Những bình luận về U+스마트홈 bản Android

I had some problem with log in but LG U+ Korea service team help me to reconnect. customer service representative were very attentive and they called back from Korea to fixed the issue. Great great way to connect to family when they are far away.
I am trying to register in the application. But I'm not Korean and I have some iot smart devices. Please help
It's good but i DON'T understand a thing, is there an English option? Please, i really wanna use the app but i don't understand Korean. :(

Câu hỏi thường gặp về APK U+스마트홈

Liệu U+스마트홈 có an toàn đối với thiết bị của tôi?

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Vâng, U+스마트홈 tuân thủ các yêu cầu của Google Play để đảm bảo an toàn sử dụng trên thiết bị Android của bạn.

File XAPK là gì? Nếu file U+스마트홈 tôi đã tải về là định dạng XAPK thì sao?

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XAPK là 1 định dạng tệp, bao gồm file APK độc lập và file dữ liệu khác (ví dụ như file tài nguyên cần thiết của game lớn). Tác dụng của file XAPK là cho phép lưu trữ riêng file dữ liệu ứng dụng trước khi cài đặt ứng dụng, nhằm quản lý và truyền ứng dụng lớn một cách hiệu quả. XAPK sẽ giúp ích cho việc giảm size file cài đặt của ứng dụng. Người dùng vui lòng cài đặt trước trình cài đặt ứng dụng XAPK trên điện thoại, sau đó cài đặt file XAPK qua ứng dụng này. Còn nhiều hướng dẫn, vui lòng truy cập link dưới nếu cần: https://apkcombo.com/vi/how-to-install. Mà nếu trên PC, chỉ cần kéo giữ và đưa vào tab giả lập LDPlayer là được cài đặt dễ dàng;

Tôi có thể chơi U+스마트홈 trên PC?

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Vâng, bạn vui lòng cài đặt giả lập Android LDPlayer trên máy tính, sau đó kéo file APK đã tải về sẵn vào LDPlayer là sẽ được chạy U+스마트홈 trên PC. Bạn cũng có thể khởi động giả lập LDPlayer và tìm kiếm, cài đặt và sử dụng ứng dụng hoặc game bạn cần.
Còn nhiều ứng dụng của LG유플러스(LG Uplus Corporation)