Sqed - a new way to remember

Remember what matters, follow content and share, all in the same place

Tải Sqed - a new way to remember APK

Đánh giá 4
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Google Play ID br.com.sqed
Lượt tải 5+

Tổng quan Sqed - a new way to remember

🎵🎸🎤Remember the date of a show
🎬📺📽 Remember when new series will come
🩺🦷👩‍⚕️ Remember the doctor's appointment
📝📊📚 Remember to deliver a job
⚽🏀🏈 Remember your team's game
🐶🐱🐰Remember to vaccinate your pet
👶🤸‍♂‍👧Remember your children's presentations
🎂🎁🎉Remember a birthday
📈🗄📅 Remember company events and meetings

And everything that matters to you!

Sqed helps you with all this in a super easy and pleasant way through the sqeds! You can share sqeds with your friends or pick up sqeds that they send. Visit Spaces to get sqeds which fit to you or create your community for others to get your sqeds. Add photos and videos. Remember everything in a super easy and free way! No need to like or comment, just create, take and share!

Sqed is a tool that looks like a social network but is not. You make your choices based on what you want. We do not generate suggestions for content or people to connect. Sqed behaves according to your decisions. You decide which content you want to follow or which person you want to share content with and do it in direct communication without others seeing that activity. After all, what is meaningful to you and to someone else is what matters and not what other people think about it!

You created an interesting sqed and want to share it but your friends don't have Sqed yet? Smoothly! Share by Whatsapp or any other application you choose. When your friends get the sqed you will be connected and each time you change the sqed, everyone will be notified and they will see your changed sqeds.

Using categories for each sqed you can easily find them later.

Did you receive important information via Whatsapp (a meeting, a live, a birthday ...) and you need to ensure that you will not forget? Simply share it with Sqed, put the date and time and that's it. Sqed will help you remember.

🆒🆕🆓Why is Sqed different from other tools?

Because in the same place you remember everything that is important, you have access to content (sqeds) through Spaces and you can share your content (sqeds) with your friends. In addition you can create your public, private or secret community and share your sqeds

🔐Super important: your sqeds are always private and only you can see them. So all things are protected and will not be forgotten. Your shares are not public and no one will comment or like them.

🎯And what is Sqed's mission?

Helping people to enjoy everything that life provides. We want to help people not to forget everything that is important in their lives, from a celebration with family or friends to reading a good book recommended by a colleague or an event in a community or company. We believe in sharing information between people and between companies, communities and people in a new way, respecting individualities and privacy, being objective but affective. At Sqed we don't have any likes or comments - if the content matters to you, someone else or your community, that's enough!

🏭👩‍🏫👨‍⚕‍ And for companies, what kind of solutions does Sqed deliver?

In addition to being a tool for people not to forget what matters, Sqed can be used in external and internal communication. Some examples include: creation of content communities, internal marketing, use in schools of all types for communication between parents, students and teachers, application in schools and universities for engagement between teachers and students, in social clubs for communication with associates and at events content availability. As a generic platform, Sqed can host different groups and communities for the same company through different rooms

How can I have Sqed in my company?

Sqed is an open platform. Just download from Google Play or Apple store, build rooms and sqeds and start using.

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Tải APK bản Android
Hiện tại tạm không hỗ trợ tải APK của Sqed - a new way to remember. Vui lòng tải trên Google Play.
Google Play
Sqed - a new way to remember tạm thời không hỗ trợ tải trên Google Play. Vui lòng tải trực tiếp APK trên trang hiện tại.

Câu hỏi thường gặp về APK Sqed - a new way to remember

Liệu Sqed - a new way to remember có an toàn đối với thiết bị của tôi?

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Vâng, Sqed - a new way to remember tuân thủ các yêu cầu của Google Play để đảm bảo an toàn sử dụng trên thiết bị Android của bạn.

File XAPK là gì? Nếu file Sqed - a new way to remember tôi đã tải về là định dạng XAPK thì sao?

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XAPK là 1 định dạng tệp, bao gồm file APK độc lập và file dữ liệu khác (ví dụ như file tài nguyên cần thiết của game lớn). Tác dụng của file XAPK là cho phép lưu trữ riêng file dữ liệu ứng dụng trước khi cài đặt ứng dụng, nhằm quản lý và truyền ứng dụng lớn một cách hiệu quả. XAPK sẽ giúp ích cho việc giảm size file cài đặt của ứng dụng. Người dùng vui lòng cài đặt trước trình cài đặt ứng dụng XAPK trên điện thoại, sau đó cài đặt file XAPK qua ứng dụng này. Còn nhiều hướng dẫn, vui lòng truy cập link dưới nếu cần: https://apkcombo.com/vi/how-to-install. Mà nếu trên PC, chỉ cần kéo giữ và đưa vào tab giả lập LDPlayer là được cài đặt dễ dàng;

Tôi có thể chơi Sqed - a new way to remember trên PC?

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Vâng, bạn vui lòng cài đặt giả lập Android LDPlayer trên máy tính, sau đó kéo file APK đã tải về sẵn vào LDPlayer là sẽ được chạy Sqed - a new way to remember trên PC. Bạn cũng có thể khởi động giả lập LDPlayer và tìm kiếm, cài đặt và sử dụng ứng dụng hoặc game bạn cần.

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