FRM Description
Accountability is a core value of SCiBD. SCiBD is continuously striving to set up mechanisms across its programming to ensure meaningful participation of community people. And to monitor this process effectively, SCiBD plans to upgrade its central reporting system into an online system. This online reporting system aims to help Country Offices work in a way that builds trusting and collaborative relationships with communities through information sharing, participation, and feedback. A strong accountability system supports high quality and appropriate program interventions and is key to SCiBD's organizational values, principles and global commitments, including the Core Humanitarian Standard on Quality and Accountability (CHS) and the Grand Bargain. This improved system of reporting on Accountability supports the Program Policy and Accountability Standard which is “All Country Offices demonstrate continuous accountability to children and communities with whom we work, through consultation and participation, consistent with practice standards”.
This online based accountability system will help to get real time information and will focus on analyzing information and share with management for making quick decisions. It will be beneficial to both field staff, program staff and central monitoring staff in a number of ways. Real time data will largely increase the transparency in reporting, timeliness in solving a feedback, empower community and staff in terms of evidence based program adaptation for quality and appropriate implementation. It will also increase the scope of learning for the field teams. And most importantly data can be easily organized and represented in dashboards for the benefit of Senior Management for quick and apt decision making.
This online based accountability system will help to get real time information and will focus on analyzing information and share with management for making quick decisions. It will be beneficial to both field staff, program staff and central monitoring staff in a number of ways. Real time data will largely increase the transparency in reporting, timeliness in solving a feedback, empower community and staff in terms of evidence based program adaptation for quality and appropriate implementation. It will also increase the scope of learning for the field teams. And most importantly data can be easily organized and represented in dashboards for the benefit of Senior Management for quick and apt decision making.
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