Mini Piano Pro

Responsive piano with great sounds, graphics, and songs

Unduh Mini Piano Pro APK

Versi: kapan 5.2.14
Diperbarui pada 2025-01-12
Peringkat 4.8
Kategori Musik & Audio
Nama paket
Unduhan 100+

Deskripsi Mini Piano Pro

Mini Piano Pro is a very responsive and realistic sounding piano for Android. It has been thoroughly optimized, resulting in a very enjoyable playing experience while keeping the install size to a minimum.

It's a top piano app for in your pocket. It features a full keyboard with 88 zoomable and scrollable keys, with various display modes. The default instrument is a beautiful sampled piano, that sounds like the real deal, but there are also 128 other instruments included that cover a wide range of instrument types.

The app has a great minimalistic design, that stays out of your way. You can record your ideas or songs as MIDI files and export them (on a later moment if you want) to MP3, AAC or WAV. Or use the MIDI file in your favorite editor.
Also included is a song mode with falling blocks, where you can learn to play new songs.

This Pro version has no ads and hasn't even a Internet permission.

So there you have it, a small but very powerful piano app, loved by many many users. Why not give it a try?

The app is optimized for phone, tablet and Chromebook.

Let us know if you have a feature request or other feedback. You can email us at

★ 88 keys keyboard, like a real piano
★ Great sampled piano sound and 128 midi instruments to choose from
★ Learn to play songs
★ Optimized for tablet, phone and Chromebook
★ Record songs and set them as ringtone
★ Export recordings to MP3, AAC, WAV, or MID
★ Multitouch support for using all your fingers
★ Easily zoom in and out to fit the keyboard to your screen
★ Transpose the keyboard to play in different tunings/keys
★ Use a metronome to keep a certain tempo
★ MIDI in support (use it with a external keyboard)
★ Label notes with their names and octaves
★ Option to disable white key touch area between black keys

Unduh APK Android
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Pertanyaan Umum APK Mini Piano Pro

Apakah Mini Piano Pro aman untuk perangkat saya?

Ya, Mini Piano Pro mengikuti pedoman konten Google Play untuk memastikan penggunaan yang aman di perangkat Android Anda.

Apa itu file XAPK, dan apa yang harus saya lakukan jika Mini Piano Pro yang saya download adalah file XAPK?

File dengan ekstensi .xapk adalah file paket terkompresi. Ini adalah format file kontainer yang menggabungkan APK dan file terkait tambahan yang diperlukan untuk instalasi. Format XAPK diperkenalkan untuk mengemas file APK dan file OBB bersama-sama untuk proses pengiriman dan instalasi yang lancar. Format XAPK dapat membantu mengurangi ukuran paket aplikasi. Di ponsel, pengguna perlu menginstal installer XAPK terlebih dahulu, kemudian menginstal file XAPK melalui installer tersebut. Anda dapat menemukan penginstalnya di sini: pasang/. Namun pada PC client, Anda hanya perlu meletakkan file tersebut di LDPlayer.

Bisakah saya memutar Mini Piano Pro di komputer saya?

Ya, Anda dapat memutar Mini Piano Pro di komputer Anda dengan menginstal emulator Android - LDPlayer. Setelah menginstal LDPlayer, cukup drag dan drop file APK yang diunduh ke emulator untuk mulai memutar Mini Piano Pro di PC. Alternatifnya, Anda dapat membuka emulator, mencari game atau aplikasi yang ingin Anda mainkan di Play Store yang ada di dalam LDPlayer, dan menginstalnya dari sana.

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