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YouTube Musicを実行してお楽しみください
YouTube Music Android版に関するレビュー
The new update is terrible. I never use "Cast to a device", and now it's in the bottom bar (music that's playing). I also hate how I can't get rid of the bar anymore. Swiping down would clear and remove the bar at the bottom. YouTube really went backwards with the update. It made it worse and more obnoxious. If there's a way to go back to the previous style I'd happily rate the app the full 5 stars. Or better yet, the ability to switch between styles, making YouTube Music more customizable.
The app is pretty great! The UI is nice, too (it could be better, though)! I just have one solitary problem. Since a few couple of months ago, the lyrics function seems to have become moot. No matter what song I choose, tapping the lyrics button always tells me that the lyrics for the chosen song are not yet available. I know this has to be a bug because songs that displayed lyrics seamlessly are now no longer doing so. This is pretty inconvenient. I hope the issue is resolved soon. Thanks!
I love this app. It beats Spotify in many regards, and that's the main thing that I like about it. But new unnecessary stuff keeps getting added, and perfectly fine features get changed or removed. One thing that has just happened is that the menu to choose a playlist is gone now? Like when you go to add a song to a playlist it used to show you all of your playlists and you'd just choose from there. now it just adds it to the most recent playlist? Changes like that make this frustrating to use.
YouTube Music Android版に関するレビュー